Manuel Joaquim Gentil | Journey Through Portuguese Poetry

Experience the Magic of Manuel Joaquim Gentil Poetry

Step into a realm where poetry meets artistry

Manuel Joaquim Gentil

Peregrinos das Sementes Estelares​

Peregrinos das Sementes Estelares” by Manuel Joaquim Gentil takes readers on a profound exploration of human consciousness and existential inquiries. The book is structured into six distinct themes, guiding readers through various aspects of the human experience and prompting reflections on life’s mysteries and the journey of self-discovery.

In the initial segment, “Reflexões à Margem do Silêncio,” Gentil delves into the profound reverberations of the soul and the subtle dialogues with the vast void within. Transitioning to “Labirintos da Memória,” readers are led along winding paths of time, uncovering hidden chambers of the heart and the weight of untold histories.

Moving forward, “Cantos da Existência Fragmentada” captures the harmonies of brokenness and the melodies of the quest for wholeness, intertwined with dissonant notes of reality. “Trilhas na Busca pelo Significado” beckons readers to embark on a journey to find significance, navigating doubts, uncertainties, and uncharted territories of the mind.

In “Espelhos da Verdade Escondida,” reflections deepen in tranquil waters, revealing distorted perceptions, twilight revelations, and glimpses of the unseen. Finally, “Diálogo com o Infinito” transcends personal boundaries, engaging in cosmic discourse, interpreting inner cosmic cues, and traversing gateways to dimensions of existence.

Title: Peregrinos das Sementes Estelares
Author: Manuel Joaquim Gentil
Language: Portuguese

HARDBACK ISBN: 9798892140867
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140874
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140898

Rota Para o Profundo

Rota Para o Profundo” develops into a thorough examination of the human experience under the direction of Portuguese poet Manuel Joaquim Gentil. It explores the depths of quiet in search of meaning beyond words before navigating the complexity of relationships, from the earliest intense moments to the complex bonds based on vulnerability.

Gentil’s collection examines the human need for validation and connection, as well as the strands that bind us to our history and future and the legacy we leave behind. It honors how resilient and hopeful people can be when faced with hardship, even in the most dire circumstances.

Rota Para o Profundo” also questions conventional ideas of reality by emphasizing our freedom to choose our own paths and showcasing the individual beauty of each person. It highlights the value of ongoing learning and development, reminds readers of the lifelong process of self-discovery, and challenges them to go past surface-level tales and explore life’s challenges in greater detail.

Through its wide range of topics and Gentil’s expressive language, “Rota Para o Profundo” offers a riveting analysis of what really matters, inspiring, encouraging, and provoking readers to pause and think.

Title: Rota Para o Profundo
Author: Manuel Joaquim Gentil
Language: Portuguese

HARDBACK ISBN: 9798892140690
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140706
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140713

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