What vast infinity lies veiled beneath
The world's thin veneer of normalcy?
Behind the mist of mundane myths, what seeths
In mazes meta-physical, too complex to see?
Within the weave of space and time, interred,
Dimensions stretch toward destinies deferred,
As present folds back on futures that now were,
All that is, was, or could be, blur.
Even clocks' cold circles lose all meaning
Against existence's ceaseless careening.
To plumb the depths of this strange dream exceeding,
We must break past its adamantine screening.
Probe inner space's interstices, explore
The widening gyre that lies at life's bright core.
Worlds upon worlds unveil forever more,
As we sail strange seas without a shore.
The further in, the further out extends
Toward truth beneath truth, the journey upends
All paths once contrived. Thus comprehension ends
At the precipice where discernment transcends.